

The exhibition exists to show the multiplicity of the body, which is impossible to represent in its entirety since each person is unique and different.

100% anonymous genital reproductions, paired with testimonies of the experience. These are writings that speak of intimacy, of what we dare not share. The goal is to build bridges between people who identify with words, shapes, conversations…

An exhibition that does not mince words, and desexualizes the genitals.

Une exhibition sans mâcher ses mots, désexualisant les organes génitaux.

We aim to teach and learn to talk about respect thanks to curious observation, which is necessary for quality learning.


The exhibition can be adapted to different spaces depending on their possibilities. Inside or rain-protected spaces are necessary.

It is an organic exhibition, currently composed of more than 40 different pieces, and is constantly evolving and transforming.


The stay of the exhibition can be an afternoon, days or months.
(To be agreed according to the needs of the requesting project)

Accompaniement and care

The exhibition is transported and set up by members of the Gencosmic project. In addition, an introductory explanation of the artistic expression, the intention of the project and it’s dimension are included.